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Daily Responsibilities

This section will provide an overview of your daily responsibilities as a Moderator.

Do not discuss any content of this manual outside of staff


Assisting disabled users is the most common Moderator responsibility, most cases are minor infractions such as HnR, inactivity. As you get more experience you will be able to take on harder cases.

The policies and procedures for how to handle specific cases in #BTN-Disabled will be discussed in it's own dedication section.

Mentor Junior Staffers

Remember that part of your job as a Moderator is to mentor less experienced members of your team. Try to answer their questions when you can; they're the next generation of mods.

IRC and Forum Moderation

Periodically check in on #BTN and the various forums to ensure rules are being followed, and that people aren't being assholes.

When issuing a channel ban (btnban) please staff note logs of the offense.

When issuing a warning for forum behavior please include a BTN pastebin of the offending post as a staff note.

Weekly Responsibilities

The following are tools/pages that you should be checking on a weekly basis.


The Watchlist is a list of users staff are monitoring for some reason and can be accessed here.

HnR Report

HnR Report is tool that lists users that meet user inputted criteria for Hit n Runs. It can be accessed here


Ocassionally, you will see an alert about an unapproved review at the top of the site. This feature that allows users to post reviews for series. I can be accessed here.

If you reject a review, send the user a polite PM explaining why. Suggest some improvements that would result in an approved review.


Blacklist is a tool the shows attempts to access the site via TOR, etc. It can be accessed here.

We use the SORBS DNSBL, a third party blacklist. We have neither the ability nor the inclination to remove users from this blacklist.

If a user complains that their IP is blacklisted, you should tell them they need to contact SORBS and that we cannot help them.

Barney announces blacklisted users to #BTN-Staff. If you notice this, investigate those users by checking their IP History, Email History, Login History, and Announce Log.

If everything looks okay

Add a staff note to the user's account and then resolve the blacklist entry.

If something seems suspect

Disable the user. Include a staff note of the Barney announcement and a summary of what aspect of their account looks off.


For simplicity, I use "VPN" to refer to any IP that is not the user's home IP.

In addition to requiring that the IP is dedicated, we require that the user's account is "established". The account must be at least three months old and have a good history. If a user's account has been compromised, shared, or something else gives you cause for concern, you should deny the VPN request.

The rules are the same regardless of whether it's a VPN, proxy, SSH tunnel, or something else.