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Notes on Disabled

Be Polite

We need to be polite and professional at all times.

Talk to people the way you would like to be talked to.

Do not talk down to people who ask a question.

Do not be curt in your warning messages.

Being invited by a giveaway is no longer a bannable offense

Someone who is invited by a giveaway generally is not aware a rule was even broken, considering they were not a member of the site when it was broken.

Standard procedure from here on out for someone invited by a giveaway (after the time giveaways were banned in late-2012) is to take invites from the invitee and inviter. If they prove to be a good member in the future and understand the error made they may be able to re-earn the privilege, but in general, invites are removed.

Do not ban a single new invitee only because they don't live near their inviter

If there is a pattern of invitees from nowhere near where the inviter lives, banning to see what is going on is fine, but do not ban a person and their single invitee simply because they do not live near one another.

This is not a good way to welcome someone to BTN, and will waste staff time. Again, if there is a pattern of invites that implies a giveaway happened, see what is going on, but a single invitee is not a pattern.

People converse and are friends on the internet despite living across the world. Our whole staff team is an example of that fact.

Take invites from gray area invites

If the inviter receives the money to donate from the invitee so they can be invited, take invites from all involved. This is uncomfortably near a sale, but no profit is involved, so removing invites removes any incentive.

Regarding Name Changes

Name change requests should be assigned to Administrators

We are not advertising that we will allow a one time only name change, but there is no harm in allowing it if someone requests, understands it will not happen again in the future, and etc... especially when a user feels their privacy is in question.