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There are commands available to perform different tasks, the commands listed here are only for use by Moderators and will only work in upper staff channels that Arcade is located in.

It should not need to be said, but do not share these commands with anyone outside upper staff.


Disable leeching rights for a user. A valid username and reason must be provided.


!disableleech <username> <reason>


Drop the NickServ registration for


!drop <irc_nick>


Enable leeching rights for a user. A valid username and reason must be provided.


!enableleech <username> <reason>


Perform a whois query on the provided IP Address.

Output will include location information and ISP details if available. The colour will differ as per below.

Green: Residential IP | Yellow: Unknown | Red: Non-Residential IP


!geoip <ip_address>


Check the amount of HnRs the supplied username has. Total size returned is a sum total of the downloaded amount, this will be changed.


!hnrcheck <username>


Extend the current HnR Watch for the supplied username for a maximum of 4 additional weeks.

This command will not extend the warning, only the watch.


!hnrextend <# of weeks> <username>


Issue a HnR Warning for a maximum of 4 weeks for the supplied username.

User will be added to watchlist and their HnR count will be automatically checked after the warning period.

User will automatically have their leeching rights disabled.


!hnrwarn <# of weeks> <username>


Output users who have been waiting in the disabled channel.

If the user has provided a BTN username as instructed it will be included in parentheses.


Move the user with to the matching disabled channel.

This command will not move someone if the target room is occupied.


!move2 <irc_nick>

!move3 <irc_nick>

!move4 <irc_nick>


Move the user with <irc_nick> to the support2 channel.

This command currently does not check if the room is occupied. Will fix this soon.


!support2 <irc_nick>


Provides more information than !u that could be helpful.

(Last login IP, CC, Browser, OS, Date, Current Email, First Email, # of HnR + Total HnR Size)

Slow to return a response


!userdetails <username>


Query the whitelist to see if an IP will allow login to the site.

If a match is found it will return the range and notes. TL+ can use this info to whitelist the IP.


!vpn <ip_address>


Will perform a whois query on the provided IRC nick.

Output will include location information and ISP details if available. The colour will differ as per below.

Green: Residential IP | Yellow: Unknown | Red: Non-Residential IP


!whois <irc_nick>