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IRC Issues

Always start out by asking what error message they are getting, if any.

CableGuy down, can't join #BTN (or other channels)

  1. Do a "/whois username".
  2. If it says something like "Username is Username (User) on BTN – user.php?id=123456789" [PM] you may invite them to the channel.
    • /invite <username> #BTN-Channel
  3. If not, they will have to wait until CableGuy is online again.

IRC Bonus doesn't work

  1. Refer them to This Guide

User forgot their NickServ password

  1. Check if the nick is still registered: /ns info <nick>.
  2. Have them send you a PM on the site so you can confirm their identity.
  3. Ask a Mod+ to drop the nick for you.

This is a living document and is considered a perpetual work in progress, please reach out to a Mod+ if you notice any errors or would like to make any additions