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My account has been disabled

  1. Have them type "!disabled" in #btn-support.
    • One of the bots is running a script that will move them #BTN-Disabled
  2. If that doesn't work, tell them to /join #btn-disabled and /part #btn-support
    • They never do...
  3. /whois them
    • If they are in #BTN-disabled, kick them from #BTN-support.
  4. If they are too stupid to follow simple directions, you can forcefully join them by using the following in #BTN-LowerStaff:
    !disabled2 <nickname>

How can I get an invite

  1. Have them type "!invites" which joins them to #btn-invites.
    • One of the bots is running a script which will move them.
  2. If the user seems unable to accomplish this themselves, you can forcefully join them by using the following in #BTN-LowerStaff:
    !invite2 <nickname>

Where do you recruit


Never list where we recruit. We don't want users to join other trackers in order to get to us, that's not fair to the other trackers.

  1. Ask them where they are currently a member
    • Make them list all the trackers at the some time (in one line), or they keep trying until they hit the right one.
  2. If they are on a tracker we recruit from, you may confirm that we recruit there.

Our current recruitment list is located here

This is a living document and is considered a perpetual work in progress, please reach out to a Mod+ if you notice any errors or would like to make any additions