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Sometimes users will have issues downloading torrents, or will have H&Rs they don't understand. This section will briefly go over some common issues and helpful tips, while the Troubleshooting Guide will go into things more deeply.

Please leave all torrent editing and questions related to uploading and content to the TV Techs. They are extensively trained to deal with those issues and there are many rules and caveats related to uploading and editing torrents that are anything but obvious.

The H&R System

Hit and Runs (H&Rs) happen when a user downloads 10% or more of a torrent and doesn’t seed it the proper amount.

Seeding Requirements

24 hours for an episode and 120 hours for a season or a 1:1 ratio

A few things about the H&R system:

  • When a user has a H&R they will not gain BP from seeding other things.
  • Users can buy H&R removals from the Lumens Store, though they are overpriced on purpose (we prefer users to seed properly).
  • Partial seeding does not count. A user must be seeding 100% of a torrent for their seedtime to start and to accrue bonus points for that torrent (it is listed in the ratio rules).
  • Starting a torrent seeding or leeching again will remove the H&R for the time being, but it will return if stopped with seedtime remaining.
  • If a user has a H&R they don’t deserve (a torrent being changed from an episode to a season is the most likely cause of this) or you believe they should have H&Rs removed for some reason, contact a Moderator.
  • If a user has (the potential of getting) more than 10 HnRs, assign it to a mod+.
  • This Knowledge Base article is a good read for more info about H&Rs.

Common Torrent Issues

A common issue you will encounter is a user trying to snatch a large torrent with only one or very few seeders.

While we generally encourage users to post such torrents in the Can’t Snatch Something thread, it’s very unlikely many people will want to snatch a 100 GB+ torrent to help someone leech it, and a reseed request may be more successful. The Evst userscript will automatically add a reseed button to all torrents, so the method described below is no longer needed. It is still included for the sake of completion, but you are not required to read it.

Please do not share this method with any users, as we do not want abuse of it to take place.

How to requesting reseeds on a torrent with a seeder
  1. When you have a torrent that needs a reseed request, first go here and click on a torrent that has 0 seeders and the “Request a reseed” button showing. Right-click on the button and select “Inspect element.”

    1. Group ID This is the group number of the torrent, and is listed as “gid” in the element coding and as the “id” number on an individual torrent’s URL.

    2. Torrent ID This is the torrent ID number of this particular torrent file and is listed as “tid” in the element coding and as “torrentid” number on an individual torrent’s URL.

  2. Next, in another tab, open the page of the torrent you’d like to request a reseed on. Make sure that you’re on that particular torrent’s page (pressing the [RL] (request link) button is the best way to be positive you’re on the correct page. In the URL for that page, you’ll copy the corresponding numbers and replace them in the inspect element code on the other page.

  3. When you’ve replaced the numbers (make sure you pasted the “id” number to the “gid” spot and the “torrentid” number to the “tid” spot), close the element inspector and press the request reseed button. If it worked correctly you should be taken to the page of the torrent for which you were wanting to request a reseed.