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IRC Scripts

The below snippets are IRC Scripts made by past and present staffers to assist you in your routine work as FLS via IRC. It will be broken up by client.


To use these scripts, select “Tools” then “Scripts Editor” in mIRC. Aliases and Popups should then be pasted into the appropriate tabs.

/invites /say There are only two ways to get into BTN: | /say a) Get an invite from a friend who is a BTN member (Master rank and above) | /say b) Find one of our official recruitment threads in the Power User+ Invite/Recruitment sections on other private trackers (note that you must have been a member of that tracker for at least 6 months). | /say We don't give invites on IRC, nor do we sell/trade any. | /say Trading, selling, or buying invites will lead to a permanent ban from BTN for both you and your inviter. | /say If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and I'll be happy to answer them. If not, please /part this channel as we do not allow idling in BTN support channels. | /say Either way, thank you for your interest in joining BTN. :)

/invites2 /say I can't list off all the trackers, but if you let me know which trackers you are on I can can tell you if we have a recruitment thread on one of them. Please list them all at once rather than one at a time.

/hi /say Hello $$1, welcome to $chan - how can I help you today?

/noprob No problem, have a good day! :)

/back /say Welcome back, $$1. Was there something else I could help you with? :)

/cableguy /say There was an IRC issue earlier. Resending the CableGuy command (at the bottom of the page here: should solve your issue. If not, please let me know.

/nowleave /say Anything else we can help you with, $$1? If not, please /part this channel as no idling is allowed in support. :)

/leave /say $$1, anything we can help you with? If not, please /part this channel as no idling is allowed in support. :)

/trackerblog /say It's nothing to worry about. This blog post should explain it:

/ircinfo /say This kb article should help you set up and understand IRC better:

/ircbonus /say If you care about 1 bonus point per hour, this Knowledge Base article explains how to fix it:

/password /say You can use this to reset your pasword: | /say If you are using Gmail, check your Spam folder. BTN emails end up there quite frequently. If you are using anything else let me know which email service it is. Hotmail doesn't seem to work at all with BTN emails.
.User lookup:{
/msg #btn-lowerstaff !u $1
BTN Support
.Password Req.:{
/msg # $$1, BTN has the following password complexity requirements:
/msg # Passwords over 22 characters have no requirements.
/msg # Passwords between 12 and 22 characters in length: Must contain at least 3 of the following types of characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters.
/msg # Passwords between 9 and 12 characters in length: Must contain all the following: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters.
/msg # Passwords shorter than 9 characters are not allowed.
.!disabled: /msg # $$1, please type !disabledto join our disabled channel and follow the instructions in the topic there. Unfortunately, we cannot help you in here.
.!invites: /msg # Hey $$1, please type !invitesto see our invite info.
.BTN Control
..Kick Not Talking: /kick # $$1 Please come back to # when you're active.
..Kick In disabled: /kick # $$1 In #BTN-Disabled.
..Kick Nothing Else: /kick # $$1 If there is anything else we can help you with, please rejoin # - otherwise, have a nice day.
..Kick Helped Elsewhere: /kick # $$1 Being helped in another channel.
..How to get an invite:{
/msg # $$1, there are only two ways to get into BTN:
/msg # a) Get an invite from a friend who is a BTN member (Master rank and above).
/msg # b) Find one of our official recruitment threads in the Power User+ Invite/Recruitment sections on other private trackers (note that you must have been a member of that tracker for at least 6 months).
/msg # We don't give invites on IRC, nor do we sell/trade any.
/msg # Trading, selling, or buying invites will lead to a permanent ban from BTN for both you and your inviter.
/msg # If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll be happy to answer them. If not, please /part this channel as we do not allow idling in support channels.
/msg # Either way, thank you for your interest in joining BTN. :)
..Money for Invite: /msg # Hey $$1 - We do not offer invites for a donation. Trading, selling, or buying invites will lead to a permanent ban from BTN for both you and your inviter.
.Loop: /msg # $$1, that loop happens when an account is disabled... you'll need to type !disabled and follow the instructions in the topic of the next channel. Unfortunately we cannot help you in here.
.IRC Troubleshooting
..CG Down: /msg # $$1, CableGuy has temporarily gone offline, please try again in 30 minutes.
..Join BTN Channels: /msg # $$1, you will need to logout and re-identify to NickServ. Please use the following commands: /msg NickServ logout & /msg NickServ identify ¬yourIRCpassword¬
.Snatch Count Wrong: /msg # $$1, that may be a site cache issue. Also, if you are not aware, torrents under 100 MB do not count for your snatch count.
..Client Whitelists: /msg # $$1, please refer to BTN's current list of whitelisted clients:
..Uploading: /msg # $$1, please refer to BTN's rules for uploading:
..Chatting Rules: /msg # $$1, please refer to BTN's rules for Chatting on IRC/Forums:
..Ratio: /msg # $$1, please refer to BTN's rules for ratio and seed time:
..Upgrade/Downgrade uTorrent: /msg # $$1, please refer to our tutorial on the forums:
..Configure uTorrent General: /msg # $$1, please refer to our tutorial on the forums:
..Configure uTorrent Advanced: /msg # $$1, please refer to our tutorial on the forums:
..Setting up AutoDL: /msg # $$1, please refer to our tutorial on the forums:
..Setting up uTorrent & RSS Feeds: /msg # $$1, please refer to our tutorial on the forums:
.Knowledge Base
..Donating: /msg # $$1, BTN only accepts donations via BitCoin. Please read this Knowledge Base article for more information:
..Download Partial Seasons: /msg # $$1, you can download part of a season pack - however, if you download 10% or more of the total torrent you will need to complete the torrent and seed to the required seed time, please refer to this Knowledge Base article:


How to install HEXCHAT Commands

First need to go to “Settings” then “User Commands” and press “Add.”

Then type the name of the command which will trigger the macro, such as /hello or /idlekick (do not put a '/' in the command name). If you want the macro to do more than one command you can enter multiple under the same name (they will trigger in the order they are listed, such as the “noinvite” script below).

In the second box you enter the command you want the macro to do. For the ones below you would simply copy the name of the command after “NAME” and then copy the bit after “CMD” into the second box.

Hexchat Scripts
NAME joindisabled
CMD say %2, please type !disabled and follow the topic in the next channel. Unfortunately we are unable to help you any further in this channel.

NAME namedisabled
CMD say %2, please join #btn-disabled. If you have no further questions, please /part from this channel, as idling is not allowed here.

NAME getinvite
CMD say There are two ways of getting an invite to BTN: 1) Get an invite from a friend who's a BTN member (Master rank and above), or 2) Find one of our official recruitment threads in the Power User+ Invite/Recruitment sections on other private trackers (note that you must have been a member of that tracker for at least 6 months). If you have no further questions, please /part from this channel.

CMD say Hi %2, how can we help you?

NAME ircdown
CMD say IRC is experiencing issues, please come back at another time. We apologize for this inconvenience.

NAME nicekick
CMD kick %2 There is no idling allowed in btn-support. Please come back if there is anything BTN related we can help you with.

NAME noinvite
CMD say %2, there are only two ways to get into BTN:

NAME noinvite
CMD say 1) Get an invite from a friend who's already a BTN member (Master rank or above)

NAME noinvite
CMD say 2) Find one of our official recruitment threads on other private trackers. Note that you must have been a member of that tracker for at least 6 months.

NAME noinvite
CMD say We don't give invites out over IRC, nor do we sell/trade any. Trading, selling, or buying invites will lead to a permanent ban from BTN for you and your inviter.

NAME noinvite
CMD say If this answers your question please /part this channel, as we do not allow idling in support channels. Alternatively, feel free to ask questions if you have any. Either way, thank you for your interest in joining BTN.

NAME loginissue
CMD say We are having some login issues currently, and it is an issue on our end, not yours. Try again in a little while, it may fix itself. Your account isn't disabled, so don't worry there.

NAME gladpart
CMD say Glad I could help, if that is all please /part as idling isn't allowed on #btn-support

NAME loginname
CMD say %2, we are having some login issues currently. Try logging in again in a little bit, it may fix itself. It is very likely not something on your end. If this is all, please /part as idling is not allowed here

NAME idlekick
CMD kick %2 No idling in #btn-support. Please return if there is anything BTN related we can help you with.