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IRC & #BTN-Support

#BTN-Support will be your new home on IRC. Anytime you’re on your computer, you should be in here. Assuming you’ve set up the Staff ZNC (or your own, if you have one), this shouldn’t be a problem.

Common #BTN-Support Issues and Their Solutions

While these issues are gone into in more depth in the FLS Troubleshooting Manual, this is a list of the most frequent issues with easy solutions you may encounter in #BTN-Support.

Login Issues

If a user reports that they’re looped back to the reset password page when resetting their password, they are most likely disabled (the “disabled loop”).

Ask for their username, !u them in #BTN-LowerStaff to see if they are disabled, then instruct them to join #BTN-Disabled by using “!disabled”.

A blocked/banned IP usually means that the user is using a proxy of some sort. It could be a VPN service, a browser extension (such as Hola, Chrome’s data compressor, etc.), or something similar.

The user should be instructed to turn off any VPNs/proxies and try again. Have them try a browser they don't normally use to remove extensions from the equation.

If a user reports error 503, they most likely have a proxy turned on in their browser.

Use the steps described in blocked/banned IP.

If a user describes the site isn't loading at all, it may be blocked by their government (e.g. China or Egypt), university, or whatever.

Make sure the site is actually being blocked, and that there is not some other sort of problem. Make them try an alternate DNS, and make them ping the site so you can eliminate browser issues. Also check for blocklists/peer blockers.

If the site is indeed blocked, have them use the backup site:

If a user needs their Google Authenticator/2 Factor Authorization (2fa) turned off

Ask their username, !u them, then highlight a Moderator using !mod to help them.

If CableGuy is down and someone joins #BTN-Support asking to be invited to #BTN

Use /whois on them and make sure something like “Username is Username (User) on BTN –” shows up in your Status/Server window.

If it does show up, you may invite them to #BTN.

If it does not they will need to wait for CableGuy to come back online.

If a user reports error 404 when logging in, they most likely have the username wrong.

You can use the user search and ask them things like the e-mail address associated with the account in an effort to find it.

If a user forgot their password and need to reset it.

Instruct them to use the forgot password link, or simply direct them to

If an Egyptian user cannot register, it is because Egypt is a banned country.

They cannot sign-up, even using a VPN. Existing Egyptian users are still allowed however. Lately, Egypt has started blocking the site, so have them use the back-up site:

If the site is loading slow or not at all, check whther their ISP is Russian/Iranian.

If so, direct them to the back-up site:

IRC Issues

User is not receiving their IRC Bonus or has to send the CableGuy command every time they log in:

Use /whois on them and see if something like “Username is Username (User) on BTN –” shows up in your Status/Server window:

If it does show up, have them logout and sign back in to NickServ

If it does not, the user needs to follow this tutorial.

User wants to use autodl-irssi:

Because autodl-irssi is incredibly time consuming to troubleshoot, we don't support it anymore. You are free to help them if you like, but not required to do so.

Ask them if they have considered using RSS/notifications instead, and point them to the following threads: [Autodownloading] uTorrent and RSS Feeds, [Auto-downloading] uTorrent and Notifications and Notifications. Though these tutorials are for uTorrent, they are similar for most other clients.

If they insist on using autodl-irssi, direct them to the [Autodownloading] autodl-irssi [NO STAFF SUPPORT] thread.

If their bot has been banned, they have multiple instances of irssi running. Have them kill all but a single instance, then highlight a TL+ with the seedbox IP to unban the bot.

User has forgotten their NickServ password:

Have them send you a site PM to confirm their identity, then highlight a Moderator to have their nick dropped.

Make sure to mention if you have confirmed their identity when using the highlight.

Miscellaneous Issues

User asks where we recruit from:

Ask them to list any other private trackers they're a member of (at once, otherwise they often list them one at a time).

You can check the Current Recruitment Threads for places we recruit in. DO NOT share this list or the info in it.

If they mention one of the trackers we recruit from, you may tell them we recruit there on their Power User+ invite forum.

If they are not a member of any of them, politely explain that we cannot tell where we recruit out of respect for those trackers.

If someone asks about recruitment invites (saying they sent a PM and are waiting):

Ask their username on whatever site it is and tell them to be patient.

Sending another PM will bump them DOWN the queue, since they're answered in reverse order (oldest to newest).

BTN Staff Highlights

There are more highlights than the one you set for yourself above, and we’ll go through them all and when to use them.

Always use highlights in #BTN-LowerStaff rather than in #BTN-Support when you need to call for help.


This is your highlight, and you should have it set so you’re alerted when someone needs your help.

It can also be helpful to use this in #BTN-LowerStaff when you need help in #BTN-Support (either needing a fellow FLS to help another user if you are busy, or if you need help with a non-uploading question).


This highlight is to be used when you or a user has questions about uploading or content organization.

If no TV Tech is around to help, ask the user to send a Staff PM instead.


There are many instances where you’ll need to use this highlight, they are laid out in the following section.


Use this highlight when you need a Team Leader and it doesn't matter which one.


Use this highlight if there is a question the Moderators are not able to answer or other issues that need Upper Staff attention. It’s not used often.


You won't need to use this highlight, but it's included for the sake of completeness.

When to use the !mod highlight

  • If a user needs their Google Authenticator/2 Factor Authorization (2fa) turned off.
  • If a user accidentally posts their torrent passkey, IRC key, or authkey anywhere and you see it/someone reports it (they’ll need to be reset).
  • If a user has lost their password and also does not remember/have access to their email to reset it.
  • If a user’s confirmation email never arrived and they come to support for help (please note that it can take up to 15 minutes and they should always check their Spam folder first).
  • Any other password/email issues.
  • If you see rule breaking in #BTN or another official channel and someone needs to step in.
  • If anything needs to be noted on a user’s account (traveling, issues causing H&Rs, etc…); though having them send a Staff PM is also an option.
  • If there are issues on the forums that need to be dealt with.
  • If a user needs their IRC nick dropped.
  • Any other issues that are not uploading related but do not seem like something you could answer with your access on the site (asking them to send a Staff PM in this situation is also acceptable).