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Welcome Aboard

This manual is based on guides written by Lee, Readable, Crond and Katara with modification and conversion to MkDocs by Corgi.

Welcome to the BTN’s Support Services Team!

As a member of our First Line Support (FLS) team, you are an important member of BTN's staff. When users have questions or issues, they'll usually turn to you first. This manual should help you with knowing how to answer their questions, or who to direct them to if you’re unsure.

When in doubt, you should always feel free to ask another member of the team, and especially the Support Services Moderators and your Team Leader for help.

When you become FLS, you show up on our staff page.

As you can see we each have a personal line. Ideally it lists what they're best at. When you're first promoted it will be either blank, or something like "Rookie FLS". Bear in mind this won't be an all inclusive list of what you know or deal with - you'll get questions for all sorts of things. Ask a mod or above to edit it.

Use our Knowledge Base, FAQ, and Rules pages as much as possible.

FLS should know a little bit of everything. Eventually a lot hopefully, since we promote from within.

Staff are a team. We should all help each other when it's needed, and make sure every area of support is being checked up on. All FLS should build relationships with eachother, since you are on a team. You need to be able to work together and be friendly with each other.