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Getting Started


If you are new to IRC, this article should explain everything.

The first thing you should do is get your preferred IRC client set up so you can join your fellow staff on our IRC. IRC is our main form of communication and vitally important.

We suggest using an IRC bouncer to ensure you don't miss any messages or important discussions. If you do not have one of your own, reach out in the FLS channel and someone might let you use theirs.

When you have your client set up, you need to make sure the following channels are selected in the IRC tab of your profile settings:

  • #BTN
  • #BTN-LowerStaff
  • #BTN-Support
  • #BTN-FLS

You also need to set up a highlight for !fls - this highlight is used by members and staff to alert you when someone is in need of assistance.

If you are using HexChat, or another client that doesn't allow special characters in highlights, is a workaround.

Important Site Documents

Staff Rules and Guidelines

These are very important. These are the rules the staff are governed by. No exceptions. Read them and become familiar.

Staff Roles and Responsibilities

These are also very important. They describe each team and their duties. There are also links to other good threads/articles in this thread.

FLS Responsibilities

  1. When you are at your computer, you should be on IRC and keeping a watch on #BTN-Support.

    This is a primary duty of FLS, and is explained in detail in the IRC section.

  2. You should also keep a watch on Staff PMs. These are announced in #BTN-LowerStaff, so you can easily see and answer any you are familiar with.

    This responsbility is explained further in the Staff PMs section

  3. While not a constant responsibility, you should also be regularly reading the forums, particularly the BTN Asks, BTN Answers post and the Technical Difficulties forum.

    Provide support where able and feel free to ask in #BTN-LowerStaff if you need help with an answer.

  4. Please also make sure to subscribe to the LowerStaff Noticeboard thread to keep up to date with any news.